Posts Tagged ‘Anniversary


Get Out Your Diaries

Hey Facer Fans!

I just want to let you all know that there’s some anniversaries coming up that we here at Ghostfacer Fans want to celebrate and we’d like to get as many of you involved in it as we can. Who wouldn’t want to celebrate, support and spread the Facer love at the same time, I mean, it’s why we’re here, isn’t it? So here goes nothing…

It’s hard to believe that 4 years ago, on March 30th 2006 we met those “action figures in their original packaging”, better known as the Hell Hounds. They came unexpectedly in an episode called Hell House, where, I think most of us all had the same reaction… Sam and Dean have rivals? With EMFs, night vision goggles and cameras?! Who the heck are these guys… and did they really just call our heroes amateurs?! Needless to say, for most of us, it was love at first sight, we couldn’t get enough of the Hell Hounds and the episode Hell House. Even with the way the episode ended, Dean leaving a dead fish in the back seat of their car, Sam calling the Hell Hounds and pretending to be some producer which sent them off to “LaLa Land” in hopes of them making a movie, tv series and RPG (that’s Role Playing Game, in case any of you forgot), all that left us wanting more, and for us lucky fans, we sure got it! … but that’s another anniversary for another day.

For the Hell Hounds big 4 year anniversary (that’s tomorrow!!), we at GhostfacerFans would like to invite you to join in some fun in remembering them as Hell Hounds. You are more than welcome to make computer picture collages to be posted on both the twitter and facebook page, youtube videos of any scene with music of your choice, writing up your favourite Hell Hound scene from the episode and posting it on the facebook page, and of course, last but not least… grab a few friends, make some popcorn, dim the lights to add the scary affects and just have fun rewatching Hell House (season 1, episode 17) and remember where it all began, with Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spangler & the Hell Hounds!

With all that being said, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or anything, don’t be afraid to ask by commenting below, both me (Becca) and the co-owner (Becky) will be willing to help out as best we can =)

Be sure to stay tuned Facer Fans, we have much, much more in store!

Stay razor always!

Becca & Becky 😀

Hello, and welcome to Ghostfacer Fans.

Keeping the fans up-to-date on all the latest Ghostfacer related news.

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